Now, you may be asking, "how do you make a blueberry?" Follow these easy instructions, and you too may be the proud owner of a home-grown blueberry.
Step One: Buy Blueberry Bush (check)
Step Two: Have hubby plant Blueberry Bush before it dies a slow death in the garage (check)
Step Three: Water Blueberry Bush - they really appreciate it! (check, most days at least)
Step Four: Let God take over because you have been known to kill green things way too easily (check)
Step Five: Marvel and take pictures!
THEN...something marvelous happens and they start growing round and out, but still retain the leafy petal-ness of the flower base. So, if you ever look at a blueberry, you will note this on his bottom.
And that is how you make a blueberry!
Very cool! Next post: how to make blueberry pie! :)
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