Monday, December 04, 2006

Prayer Request

Hello All...a prayer request as we begin this holiday season. My friend Jennifer McDonald, who was my partner in crime in College Station, has asked me to pass on a prayer request for her mother, Mrs. Jefferson. Doctors have found cancerous spots on Mrs. Jefferson's pancreas and other areas in her body. They are waiting to receive treatment options, but it does look like it will be a hard one to fight.

Jennifer and her husband are living in Wichita Falls and her parents live in Tyler, with possible treatment at MD Anderson in Houston. So pray for God's grace and safe travel for all family and friends involved.

Thanks! Leanna


Leanna said...

Wow, just thought. What a great way to share prayer requests. Something we can all look back on and keep up with!

Lydia said...

This IS a great way to share prayer requests! Thanks for letting us know, and I'll pass it on to our group at church.

KarenD said...

For some reason, I have had trouble accessing your site. I get a big green screen.

Will keep your friends in our prayers.