Tuesday, February 03, 2009

so very small

Yesterday, I felt so very small.

My puppy had a seizure or something of the sort.

He was sad, he had no control and he was looking to me.

What could I do?

I held him. I cried. I called Joe. I called the vet. I called the school...that I was now late for.

We took Ryker to the vet and they checked him out, unable to find anything obviously wrong. Said they could run tests, but 80% of the time, they will just never know. It could happen again, it could happen again years from now, or it could be a fluke never to return.

As man's best friend, it is our charge by God to protect these little guys (along with everyone else), and I don't know if I don't feel like I did a very good job. I will pray and I will watch him. And I guess that's all we can do, but it still made me so sad.

So, if you think about it, send up a prayer for my buddy Ryker. He looks like this if you forgot!


T said...

Awww, sweet puppy! I hope it doesn't happen again and was just a fluke!

Emily said...

I am sorry you had such a sad moment with your puppy! I hope that it was just a fluke and you don't have to go through it again.

katy~* said...

leaana, i feel for you!!! i know that must have been traumatic... God is in control. it's such a privilege to be stewards of God's creation... ryker is His animal, and He has a plan for him... give ryker a hug from me :-).


Lydia said...

Feel better, Ryker! Don't scare your mama like that!