Tuesday, February 03, 2009

A Flashback Tag

Karen listed a tag challenge on her site to go back a year or so to the same day as you're blogging to see how things have changed...this is my post from Feb. 4th, 2008:

We'd been in our new house for about 2 weeks at this point, and still PLENTY of boxes to go through. I still do this when looking for Christmas decorations, a shirt or photo that seems to have disappeared. I'm working (ok, wishing) on being more organized in life, but I feel there will always be boxes. And I guess I hope there will always be sweet moments like these...


Isn't it crazy that when moving your life can be gathered up into a few or plenty boxes. It's always a surprise opening these boxes to find what they hold.
A few dishes... followed by wonderful memories of your wedding.
A diary or journal... ugh..what was I thinking, or perhaps, thank you God for leading me out of those troubled days.
Shirts you haven't seen since three moves before...Goodwill, here you go!
Pictures, oh, sweet pictures - fun times, if only we could step through the image and enjoy that view, taste a piece of cake or hug a loved one we can't hug anymore.
Books of every shape and size... did we really learn anything from that class; I love looking at those pictures; do you remember this part?; and, Half Price Books for you baby!
Letters, postcards, cards and notes...wow, what awesome loved ones we have aquired along the way.

Thanks for the memories boxes, and thanks to those who make our lives and our boxes so full!

So, tag, you're it, if you would like!

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