Thursday, July 24, 2008

Death to Mr.Bear

It was a sad day last evening. We lost a dear friend. Mr. Bear experienced an untimely death between the hours of 5-6:30 p.m. on Wednesday, July 23rd. What follows are some amazing on-the-scene photos taken from our Ace reporter AllStar O'Brien.

Parents beware; what follows may not be suitable for young eyes.

This was my first glimpse of the savage beast. I was very afraid, which resulted in a rather shaky photograph.
The carnage continued...Mr. Bear never had a chance.

Alas, we come to the end of Mr. Bear. Strewn about like a common play toy. Limbs mangled. Entrails missing. It was a horrid site.
I was able to catch the beast in one last image as he surveyed his work with a crafty grin before he slunk away back into his lair. I tell you dear readers, it is a site I will long remember. Farewell Mr. Bear. Farewell friend.


Lydia said...

Hahahahaha! I love your write-up! Goodbye Mr. Bear!

KarenD said...

Aw, was Mr. Bear a dear friend? Is the perpetrator getting reprimanded?