Monday, October 23, 2006

So Long Single Life

As a wife for over two weeks now, life has definately changed from ye old single days. I thought it would be weird and frustrating living with a boy (and I am sure more things will surface of the next 75 years), but I must say I thoroughly enjoy it. It is a wonderful blessing to get to wake up next to, come home to and fall asleep on the couch with your best friend. Joe has been an amazing blessing and source of strength and encouragement to me it's just been awesome! But of course, what would be a post from me without a few funnies.
1. Coming home to my hubby and every light in the whole house on, including the closet.
2. After a water squirting fight, we knocked over and killed our iron; it still works, it just flops sad.
3. Seriously, where is all of this laundry coming from?
4. Playing "bounce the randomly found golf ball" for all 2 miles or so of our walk
5. Bills? There were bills on the table? No, I don't know where they are...
6. Honey, when are you coming home? I forgot my key!
7. We are buying so much food!
8. Where did all the food go?
9. Singing "What Would You do With a Drunken Sailor" on the way back from church. (We walked to church, it was great! And cold!)
10. Oh, what? That inch left you have on your side of the bed isn't enough? Fine...I'll move.

Just a few, sure to be more, and can't wait either!


Anonymous said...

Your post made me smile! Keep collecting the funnies, they will lighten the dark days later.

KarenD said...

I am still amazed at how infrequently we buy toilet paper now that I live with a boy. With girls, man we went through that stuff like crazy!

Lydia said...

You know, Karen, that's true! I'd never made the connection! Every week I ask if toilet paper needs to go on the grocery list, and it usually doesn't!

Leanna, I'm glad you're having so much fun being married. It really is a blast. :) And I was right when I guessed it was YOU hogging the bed! I know my roommate! Haha!

Anonymous said...

Ahhh...young love.