Wednesday, May 01, 2013

In the Trenches

There was a man named Joe. And Joe had a dream.

Joe dreamed of a lush, green yard.

Joe had a hard, spotty green and brown yard.

So, Joe decided to get to work.

First, he killed! He killed it all. The green, the bad, the good, the ugly...all dead. Dead.
Next, he tilled. He tried to soften our hard back yard and loosened it up for the next round.

What's next you ask? A sprinkler system...we want green, remember!?

Trenches and dirt everywhere. Dirt in the yard. Dirt in the driveway. Dirt in the living room. :(

It works! Joy! Triumph!

Now, to add the green. To be delivered and deposited this weekend we hope.

Joe had a dream. Joe makes dreams come true! Way to go, Joe.

(now, next sit back, relax and enjoy the green!

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