Sunday, May 12, 2013

Bows or Bowties?

If you popped on over to the O'Baby O'Brien blog, you might have seen we had a gender reveal party this weekend for O'Baby 2.0! It was a wonderful evening filled with silliness, friends, family, food, and an answered surprise!
...and it almost didn't happen!

I got a called on Monday from my doctor's office asking me to return their call to reschedule the sonogram because their sonographer would be out. WHAT? WHAAATTTT??? I have plans! I have people coming in! I have plans! Joe and I want to find out!!

So, I did what any other person in my position would do -- I called my sister panicked! After I vented and we talked about it, I 'calmly' called my doctor's office to reschedule thankfully Thursday before our party on Friday. Joe and I also decided we would make the event a surprise for us too, so, we sealed up the detailed photos and a note from the sonographer, and I shoved it in the glove box as soon as I got to the car!

Man! That was hard for the first few minutes, but then I was ok! I couldn't wait to find out with Joe and Owen and our family and friends the next day. On Friday, I delivered the mystery envelope to my pal Emily, who was privileged to know before us all and prepare the news in the form of silly string.
Guests were asked to vote Bows or Bowties/Mustaches on whether O'Baby 2.0 would be a boy or girl when they arrived. They could also suggest a name, because...we are awful at names! After a bit of eating and visiting, we all moseyed out to the backyard with our cans, said a count down and were all momentarily confused!
What color was the string??
Seems the chemical reaction in the silly string takes just a moment to mix when sprayed!!! It looked white, light pink, blue???? BLUE!!! IT WAS BLUE!!!
We're having a boy!! O's going to have a little brother!!
Oh, HAPPY DAY!! Joe and I are blessed with two boys.
For the record, I voted boy, Joe voted girl, and O voted boy (on that day)!
And with this news, I ask for your prayers. Two boys?? Oh, Lordy!


KarenD said...

Oh my, what fun! This gender reveal party thing is gaining popularity! I bet Owen had fun with that silly string... and he'll have fun with that lil' brother, too! :-)

Emily said...

Congratulations! Two little boys- oh the fun you are going to have!! Good luck with names- that is always our hardest thing to do for the baby!

Leanna said...

The name game...always a challenge, I'm pretty sure we won't know til we see him like with Mr. O! Thanks guys, it was a fun way to learn who we'd be welcoming shortly!