At my new work, I have a Sponge Bob and Patrick mousepad. This makes me happy. I have way to much stress right now and I am not comfortable with it, but I have Sponge Bob here.
Isn't it nice how the simple things can make life a little bit better? I also have a bear that Joe got for me and he wears a Hawaiian shirt. Everytime I see him (Bearett) he makes me happy. And me makes me wish I was on a beach.
What sorts of things make you happy in this hectic world?
What do you find helps you deal with stress best?
And should we really go talk to our HR people if we have three or more stressors in our lives? What if we have no HR???
Things that make me happy in a hectic world:
1. My Superman t-shirt
2. The picture of a turkey that Karen and I colored one lunch date in Waco. It's hanging in my cubicle.
3. Flowers in a vase.
4. My cat(s)
5. A new post on your blog! :)
Things AT work that ease stress:
- A plant (except that it's dying)
- A window (except that I'd rather be outside)
- Flavored coffee (except that it makes me jittery)
Well, there you have it. I've managed to even find stress in my de-stressors!
At home:
Surfing the web, playing Mahjongg online, reading, eating (off limits nowdays), sleeping, talking to my girls, getting my nails done, a massage, doing stuff with Alan....all these make me happy.
At work:
someone succeeding on a difficult assignment, praise from a co-worker (that rarely happens, however), good test scores in my class, easing someone's worries about life with scripture wisdom, enjoying a joke with the class, getting to walk out the gates!
I used to have a picture up of Mike and Sully that Joe and I drew. Maybe that needs to come back! I need to get a frame.
Keep up the good work Valtrex prior authorization carnauba car wax turtle msds Testors paint in dryer
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