Alrighty! As of Yesterday, Joe and I have a new place. I will be moving into our new apartment at the Vistas at Hackberry Creek in Las Colinas on Saturday with the help of our families.

Apartment hunting was a strenuous task. Lots of apartments or town homes, either for too much, too ghetto, not ready in time or too far away. So when we found our future home, it was definitely a God thing on how everything worked out--location, price and everything else.

I am very excited! A new home! I am not excited, however, about the packing. I loathe packing!
But I am excited that this will now be the Joe and Leanna home in 3 short months. The funny thing is that we are already "married" as far as our lease goes, so we only had to pay one deposit. I found this very funny when the flamboyant lease assistant asked us, 1.) if we were married, "no" says us, 2.) if we were living together, "no" says us. 3.) well just say you are one really cares...
Ha! I am glad marriage is held in such high esteem, especially by our apartment office! =)
So now begins the laborious chores of hooking up and switching over all of our utilities, internet, cable. Blah!
BUT as of Saturday the 8th of July I will be a DFW resident! Feel free to stop on by and say hello if you are in the area, I am sure I'll have boxes for a while. But who doesn't!
ps. and Karen, we're going to have a red wall too! We get two free accent walls, and we'll have a red dining room! =)
Congratulations! I'm coming pretty soon to see you! I might give you a couple of days to settle a bit. :)
Let me know if you need anything!
Leanna, congrats on the new place, thanks for sending the address. I know you'll fix it up for you and Joe just perfectly. I was at the Arboretum today and saw the Rosine Hall. It will be a gorgeous setting for your dinner.
It's getting close!!
Yay for red wall! Yay for new apartment! Yay for marriage! Hey... what color will your other accent wall be? When you say free, does that mean it comes painted already or they just pay you to paint it?
Well, our two free accent walls are the 6 foot red wall, and the TWO-FOOT ajoining wall. Oh yes, that's right...aren't they genorous! But yes, they said they should have it painted when we get there Saturday.
We can paint the other walls if we like, but we have to either buy their paint (and not have to paint it back) or buy our own and have to paint it back. I am holding off on this, 1.)we don't have our comfortor yet. 2.)we're hopefully only going to be there a year, so is it really worth it?
I say if you their colors are good, and you don't have to paint it back, buy their paint and go for it! Totally worth it! I guess it depends on how much they charge for their paint, though. I can't wait to see it!
How did the big move go?? How's the new job?
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