Thursday, September 15, 2011

The Big Dig

Today, I had a meet-up with resident archaeologist, Tex O'Brien. He was in the area for the big dig at the historic Ft. O'Brien, which happens to be right out my back door. I did not want to miss this opportunity to see the legend in his element.
 He welcomed the crowd, and told us a little bit about how he goes about his explorations. Tex said a good pair of cargo pants is a must, as well as a trusty shovel and spatula. "I can't tell you enough how often a good spatula can get you out of a pretty nasty scrape," said Tex O'Brien.
 "You just feel it in your bones when you're onto something. Like today, I just knew I had to get out here and get a feel for the earth. In my second trip out today, I've already found a red rocket and a green fish! Do you know what this means in my field?"
Clearly, Tex was excited about what he had uncovered today at the dig site. I can't wait to see what he learns from these artifacts!
 Above, Tex O'Brien points out one of the dig spots that's yielded quite a bit of artifacts in this last outing. Tex was also quite willing to get his feet dirty. He said something about feeling the sand between his toes...or maybe that was me wishing for a beach vacation.
Tex also had his assistant, Ryker vonStryker out on the dig too. Tex likes to say Ryker works like an animal, whatever that's about...

Here Tex O'Brien said something about the way the building was constructed as well, but it was way over my head. I tell you, this guy is amazing!
It was an exciting day for sure. Tex said the site looked promising for more treasure, but he and vonStryker had a call from Mr. & Mrs. Cole to rescue a baby llama in Peru. Man, the life this guy leads...they should make a movie based on this guy - a handsome archaeologist with a goofy side kick off to save the world one adventure at a time. I bet it would make a killing! 

Tex O'Brien, safe travels and we look forward to your next adventure!


Lydia said...

Gosh he's cute. Can't resist a little boy in plaid! Love his expressions!

KarenD said...

Look at all his hair... it's really grown! And love the cargos... baby cargos, they get me every time. :-)

I look forward to your next adventure, too, Tex!

Carolyn said...

Tex is cute but I'm impressed with the clever story! way to go, Leanna!

scole said...

I am sorry to have to pull him away from his important work at Ft. O'Brien but we have no other options. We need his expertise here desperately!

Margie said...

LOVE this. Cute post. Well done Tex, well done.