It was GREAT!!
Joe and I decided to go on date night yesterday and spend some quality couple time with just each other. We opted for a swanky dinner a the food court and a movie we had both been looking forward to, August Rush. And let me tell you, we were not disappointed.
The movie follows the story of a young orphan who believes his parents are still out there and really do want him. He is led to New York by the music he hears in his heart and all around him -- music he believes is from his parents and will reunite the trio.
As the story progresses, it skips back in time showing us his parents' eventful meeting and the roll music plays in their lives.
August does not have an easy go at it in New York, but continues his quest with help and hindrance from many colorful characters.
One of my favorite lines in the film is the kind reverend who oversees a shelter where August stayed. He is talking to a young friend of August, reassuring her that he is in fact safe, wherever he is. He says (paraphrasing) -- "August is with his father, and we have to trust that his father will do what is right for him because he loves him." It is an interesting line in the context of the film, because it seems the reverend is not talking about August's "father," but rather our Holy Father, and that he does want the best for us and will always do what is best for us, even if we can't quite see it right now.
Music also plays a powerful role in the film. Beautiful voices, classical instruments, guitar playing like I've never seen (thanks to a new talent, Kaki King). The diverse compilation makes your spirits soar!
So to sum it up, go see it, I think you'll really enjoy it!