Monday, May 01, 2006

Frustrations and Stressers

So I was reading my friend Karen's blog and she was talking about life events and how they impact your life, whether positive or negative.

Well, I am experiencing a lot of those right now. 1.) Being 4 hrs away from my love. 2.) Looking for a new job. 3.) Looking for a new place to live. 5.) Planning a wedding. 6.) Planning a wedding long-distance. 6.) Trying to work in counseling, fun time, friend time and family time with sky rocketing gas prices since most of these things are 1.5 hrs or more way.

So, needless to say I am a bit discombobulated! (great word, sp?) I have also come to realize more and more the strength and stability that God offers us. People have let me down and have been dishonest with me in so many ways in the above that if it were not for the grace of God, I know bad things would have happened.

I do not know all the right answers or have the seminary smarts to answer any questions on why bad things happen to good people, because they do (a lot), but I know, even when I don't want to remember that God is looking out for us. I have been encouraged this weekend to really seek his guidance and learn more about him, so I DO have some of those answers for others and for myself. And most of all, our worth is NOT in what other people say or think about us or diagnose us as.

Our worth is in Christ, and therefore... I'm worth a bazzillion bucks baby! And then some!


Lydia said...

Yeah, you have quite a few "stressors" in your life right now. But the end is in sight! I mean, it's May already! Only 6 months from now you'll be married! It's going to zoom by, believe me!

Then things will settle down a bit. You'll have new stressors in your life, of course, and we always will. But you'll have Joe, too! And almost all those things you mentioned will be gone!

Don't ever let me make you feel pulled to stop by our house when you're "in the area." I realize we're really nowhere close to where Joe lives, and I've got you for Roomie Reunion and Salsa Fest! And then you'll live a whole lot closer, and it won't be such an ordeal to see each other! I can't wait! Woohoo!

Anonymous said...

Amen! Your worth is definitely in Christ! Not only have many friends that love you a whole stinkin' lot and are praying for you. And even better than that - you have Joe.

So yes life is crazy stressful, but what great blessings come along with the stress.

I know so much is going on right now you feel like your head is spinning, but remember how much you are loved and remember we are all praying for you.

KarenD said...

Yes, I think the key is to count your blessings. So, packing up and hauling boxes in the Texas heat doesn't sound appealing. But moving into a new place with your new hubby sounds great! The whole interview and job search process is NOT fun, but the new job will be a change for the better! Lydia said something to me recently, about the 20s being such a difinitive time in our lives...we decide on our careers, we decide on our spouse, we decide where we want to our late 20s we start thinking about buying houses and having babies! So, I'm convinced that to live is to have stress and to be 20-something is to be "discombobulated." We shall survive!