Though I see how writing out one's thoughts can be both entertaining and therapeutic. Don't you think it is quite odd that we as a generation have bypassed SECRET diaries and gone straight to publishing our thoughts, our private-in-our-head thoughts, on the WORLD WIDE WEB??

Well, how dare I let my friends pass me up on this latest trend. So I have decided to . . . blog! Now I can at least make snarky comments on other bloggers' pages! YES!
Well, my grand question for the day is: if you could live anywhere where would it be? Now this can be real, ancient, future, or imagined. So, GO . . . (I'm still waiting.)
I would have to say some great lakeside or ocean front piece of property where it is a nice 82 degrees out, a cool breeze coming off the water and my hammock swaying gently on my beautiful wood deck, with Joe inside making me a Margarita, of course!
Hey my blogging friend! Glad you're keeping up with the Joneses. :)
As far as where I would want to live...ANYWHERE in the world at any point in time...I would choose a mountain with cool evenings, warm days (no hotter than 85), abundant trees (aspens a must), chipmunks and other wildlife galore.
Hm...a mite different from my little duplex in 100 degree Fort Worth.
Well, I get to comment on 2 different blogs in the same day...a double first for me.
I think the place, in the real world, I would want to live would be somewhere in either the Ozark mountains of Missouri or the Appalachians of North Carolina high enough up the mountain to enjoy the cool air.
If I could live somewhere imaginary, I would like to live in Minas Tirith (from the Tolkien books). That would be awesome!
Well last night I got a call from my in-laws, who are in Glorieta at the moment. While I've always said I wanted to live in Colorado, Glorieta would be a very close second. I'm jealous of their cool weather and wonderful breezes!!
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