Thursday, April 08, 2010

Silly Puppy

Aside from the continued stress of trying to raise up our puppy in the way he should go, he's also a super cute little dude.

Have I mentioned how much this little guys LOVES his pillows? Seriously, I don't think I have seen a fuzzy creature seek out, hone in on, gravitate toward pillows or piles as much as this dog. And who's to argue with him? Who doesn't love a pillow?

I love seeing him curled up with his chin lifted off by the pillow and snuggled in for a good nap. The goober also always seems to have his head raised, either on the side of his favorite chair or propped up on the edge of the coffee table, our shoe or something of the sort.

Is this a form of readiness? So he can hear all that is going around him? Or is this just another classic dose of Ryker-cuteness? Well, whatever it is, it makes me smile! =)
I know he's not on a pillow here, I don't have one on this computer, but it's still stinkin' cute!


Lydia said...

He's adorable. Just about the cutest dog ever. Love those soft fuzzy ears! I'll have to show Caleb the picture when he wakes up in the morning.

Carolyn said...

mmmm, such a sweet face!