Monday, October 12, 2009

Monday Musings

Fill in the Blank Fun:

Found this and thought it was pretty amusing, so here you go!

  1. If I was on a first date with someone and s/he ordered a sparkling water or something completely off the menu with thirty nine substitutions because he's allergic, I would probably end the date early.
  2. When I’m sick I really want someone to make sure I have tissues, medicine and a book, then turn the lights off and leave me alone to die.
  3. I know that some people really love collecting figurines, but I don’t understand how they spend so much money on it.
  4. I know that some people think I’m crazy for spending so much money on stationery and paper products, but I really love them.
  5. I’m so glad that I’ve outgrown plaid shirts and bad short haircuts since high school.
  6. I am living proof that the stereotype about Baptists isn’t always accurate.
  7. I know that it is a made-up word; but frelling! is a permanent part of my vocabulary.
  8. I can’t wait for Roomie Reunion '09 next week!
  9. The most common misconception about me is that I am the 'quiet one.'
  10. I wish I wouldn’t wimp out on things, but sometimes I just can’t stop myself.
  11. If I never heard the word (or phrase) John and Kate again, it would still be too soon.
  12. I have a hidden talent for having the uncanny ability to know where other people left their things, but NOT my own that no one would ever expect of me.
  13. I am not a fan of extraordinary rendition; but if it were to take place for crimes against ridiculously priced items that only ensue wanting then Pottery Barn execs should be the first person(s) on the plane to Guantanamo.


Teresa said...

Haha! Love #13

KarenD said...

I want to do this because I'm in a blog slump, but I'm not feeling creative or introspective right now. :-) Can't wait for RR09 either!

Lydia said...

I love this! Totally agree with #1 and #3. And what is frelling? Have I missed that one somewhere?