So last night was National Night Out..and being 'good neighbors', we had to participate. This is an event for neighbors to meet each other and to kick crime out by knowing your neighbors and your surroundings.
We headed out a bit late because Joe was finally able to prepare the flower beds for his EIGHT new blueberry plants. In the meantime, he was chastised several times for not making an appearance yet! (You see, we are on the end of the alley on the end of the street where the event was being held.) But we did make it out with the pupster and met a few of our neighbors we knew and a few we didn't, including several of Ryker's neighborhood barking buddies.
As the evening was winding down, I saw a reddish dog come running along without his person. I had put up Ryker a few minutes before, because it was just getting too much for him. So, of course I was thinking this is our Houdini dog...
It wasn't, it was our neighbors from behind. She went to go sniff out a little white dog...and happened. Barking, growling, biting, yelping, crying...ugh. Big Red tried to take down little white dog.
And the first one on the scene to give her two bits, yep, Boxer Lady. After talking with Big Red's owner later, it seems Boxer Lady offered her services to the little white dog's person as an eye witness to the aggressive attack. Even to go so far as to give up her own terrifying account pointing to us, as Joe tells me later.
REALLY??? Really? Why do some people always have to be up in your business when unpleasant things happen? Why do they want to continue the unpleasantness? Why not offer your assistance, see if the dogs are ok and go from there? Why is it always a jump to, "Don't worry, we'll make them pay for being horrible human beings?"
After talking with Joe later, I had to calm myself down and just remember that God charges us to love all people. Even less-than-loving neighbors.
But this National Night Out did end on a high note. We did meet a good chunk of our neighbors. We did get to see a bike cop motorcycle and fire engine up close. But the best was when one of our neighbors asked the cop to go knock on her door and interrogate her 16-yr-old about driving with too many people in the car. Oh, it was so mean, but wow, what an awesome prank. And by your own mom! Priceless!