It all started with a groupon to Studio Movie Grill.
They run a great deal so often for a $5 ticket that includes a soda. SOLD!
Joe and I enjoy the occasional date night there, because we can enjoy a movie and dinner without running ourselves ragged trying to make a movie in time or not stay out too long for those watching the O'Bear.
I realized our tickets were about to expire, and we were either booked or didn't quite have childcare lined up. No date night for us. So, I started asking friends and family. Seems EVERYONE is busy being responsible....NO TAKERS.
That's when Joe had the great idea, let's take Owen. If we're going to have to let them go, might as well make an experiment out of it. They were playing the movie The Croods at 6:30 last night -- PERFECT. And as it happens, Tuesday is Ladies Night for $5. Woohoo.
We ordered a burger and chicken to split, broke out the fruit snacks while we waited and settled in.
O did a great job of staying in his seat, staying relatively quiet, and eating his dinner.
The movie was hysterical...I loved all the imaginative primitive creatures and funny jokes they added in. And amazingly it wasn't much of a mind-stretch to consider Nick Cage as a caveman! ;)
I am so excited we have a new family entertainment option. I loved spending the evening with my two favorite movie-goers.